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Funding Opportunities

Information on Funding Opportunities

Teaching Assistantships are available for both new and returning MA and PhD students. These positions are awarded in the spring for the following academic year.

The Teaching Assistantship includes participation in the Tuition Benefit Program which provides tuition remission and health insurance along with a stipend. Requirements for students participating in the Tuition Benefit Program can be found here.

If you wish to apply, please complete the Teaching Assistantship application form at this link. Upon completion of the initial application form, you will be prompted to submit an audio sample for proof of language proficiency. 

Information about proof of language proficiency: 

Native speakers of English must submit a compressed audio file with a representative sample of their conversational ability in their target language.

Native speakers of the target language are required to do the same in English.

Applicants should speak for roughly 3 minutes about their interest in the subject they propose to study and their purpose in seeking a graduate degree.  While applicants should consider in advance what they want to discuss, the sample should demonstrate that they are speaking freely rather than reading from a prepared text.

CLCS applicants are not required to supply a spoken sample unless they are interested in a Teaching Assistantship in a specific language. Teaching Assistantships are still available for CLCS applicants.

Recordings must be received by the Department deadline. Please complete the form above to submit your audio sample.

MALP students pursuing secondary licensure and seeking a TAship during their licensure semester should consult with the Director of Graduate Studies.

*Teaching Assistantship positions are only available to students admitted into one of the Department of World Languages & Cultures graduate programs. The Department is unable to provide funding to students outside the Department.

FLAS Fellowships are available for graduate students. Please see the FLAS homepage for more details.

The candidate will complete Candidate Information and Motivation sections of this application. A faculty member or administrator from the Partner University will support the candidate’s application. The faculty member or administrator will complete the Nominating Faculty or Administrator section of the application, and will also complete a letter of support for the candidate. The candidate will submit this Application, along with their CV (in English or French) and the Letter of Support (in English or French).

Print Out Application Here

FIT Fellowship logo

For information on the following fellowships & scholarships, please visit the Graduate School’s Fellowships Page.

  • Marriner S. Eccles Graduate Fellowship
  • Graduate Research Fellowship
  • Steffensen-Cannon Scholarship
  • University Teaching Assistantships
Last Updated: 6/5/24