Graduate Studies
Welcome to the graduate division of the Department
of World Languages & Cultures!
As a student in our programs, you will participate in rethinking traditions of world literature, culture, and language. Our various programs provide you with historical and cultural coverage of national traditions as well as the theoretical foundations and methods of contemporary literary criticism paired with an emphasis in Second Language Acquisition. Students pursuing a higher degree in the Department of World Languages & Cultures work among nationally renowned specialists in their fields, as well as exceptional scholars from 14 national language traditions who participate in the graduate program through CLCS.
Learn More about our Graduate Program
Prospective Students
Information for those interested in applying to one of the graduate programs in the Department of World Languages & Cultures.
Current Students
Information and resources for students who are currently in a graduate program in the Department of World Languages & Cultures.
Masters Program
Explore the Master of Arts degrees offered by the Department of World Languages & Cultures.
Doctoral Studies
Explore the PhD degree offered by the Department of World Languages & Cultures.
Funding Opportunities
Information about department Teaching Assistantships and other assistance
Language Requirements
Information about the Graduate School's language requirement for MA students
Student Handbook
Download our handbook of official department policies for graduate students

The Language and Culture Certificate for Graduate Students
This certificate offered by our department gives graduate students from all departments and programs across the University of Utah tangible proof of their world language and culture training.
More Information About Our Graduate Program
Students in our programs have access to interdisciplinary programs of study offered through the Middle East Center, the Asia Center, and the various interdisciplinary programs offered in the College of Humanities. We pride ourselves in our ability to provide students with a truly interdisciplinary and international education and encourage our students to pursue a concentration in a second language or work toward a dissertation with an interdisciplinary or multinational focus. We highly encourage study abroad and international experiences.
Our students are an engaging and diverse group. Students in the Department of World Languages & Cultures organize the bi-annual Confutati Conference that brings to campus graduate student scholars from the Intermountain West. Our department is also the home of the Utah Foreign Language Review, a journal operated entirely by World Languages & Cultures graduate students. Our students present at national and international conferences and have gone on to excellent doctoral programs and/or secured jobs in secondary as well as university education around the country. We encourage our students to view their education broadly and supplement their programs of study with courses in foundation and non-profit management, Museum Studies and/or International Studies.